Sprout Children's Business Expo 2024 is coming! Sprout Children’s Business Expo is an annual event that gives kids the opportunity to explore entrepreneurship by participating in a children’s business workshop and then an expo where kids can sell their products or services to the public. FULL GALLERY HERE Registration Forms Kindly fill out the form(s) for the day(s) you will sign up for.If you sign up for both days, you will have to fill out both forms separately.After filling out the forms and getting a confirmation message, you may proceed with the payment.You will be sent a copy of your filled forms. In case of any corrections, you will have the option to edit your response. December 6 (Day 1) Form Loading… December 7 (Day 2) Form Loading… Coming soon . . . What's next? Now that you've signed up, it's time to pay for the registration. Tables will be reserved once the payment is complete. CLICK HERE TO PAY